Saturday, November 5, 2011

Range Partition and Global Index

PartitioningOracle 8.0 first introduced partitioning, an ability to break a large table or index into many manageable
smaller objects. The main reasons for using partitioning are higher availability, ease of administration and
DML & query performance.  
Partitioning Tables:
The availabe methods for table are:
1. Range Partitioning
2. Hash  Partitioning
3. List Partitioning
4. Composite Partitioning.
Partitioning Indexes
There are 2 methods to partition indexes. They are:
1. Equi-partition the index with the table - also know as a Local Index
2. Partition the index by range - also know as a Global Index
Data Warehousing and Global Indexes
One of the main reasons why global index was not used was after adding/dropping/exchange partition the
global indexes become unusable, that warrants rebuild/recreate of global indexes. Obviously,  this caused
problem to availability of the system. However, Oracle 9i introduced "UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES" clause to
overcome this issue.
This article demonstrates the real power of partitioning the index and how Oracle automatically maintains the
global indexes.
Getting started
It's always a good idea to start with an example. I would start with one range partitioned table.
The following test was done on 10gR2.
SQL> create table sales
3  partition by range (sale_date)
4   (partition SALES2006JAN       values less than (to_date('01-FEB-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
5    partition SALES2006FEB       values less than (to_date('01-MAR-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
6    partition SALES2006MAR    values less than (to_date('01-APR-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
7    partition future                          values less than (MAXVALUE)
8   )
9  enable row movement
10  AS
11  with generator as (
12     select --+ Materialize
13     rownum as RN
14       from dba_objects
15     where  rownum <= 100 )
16  select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(V2) */
17  trunc(sysdate,'YEAR')+(rownum-1) as sale_date,
18       trunc(10*mod(rownum,10)+1) as cust_id,
19       trunc(5*mod(rownum,30)+1) as prod_id ,
20       10+mod(rownum,20)  as tota_sale
21  from   generator v1 ,
22       generator v2
23  where  rownum <= 90
24  /
Table created.
Here,  I used subquery factoring to create a range partitioned table, that 3 partitions. Each partition has
equal number of rows as per the calendar months January, February and March.
Next I creat a global partitioned index.
SQL> create index sales_global_index
2  on sales (sale_date)
4   partition by range( sale_date)
5  (partition SALES2006JAN     values less than (to_date('01-FEB-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
6   partition SALES2006FEB      values less than (to_date('01-MAR-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
7   partition SALES2006MAR   values less than (to_date('01-APR-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')),
8   partition  future values less than (MAXVALUE)
9  )
10  /
Index created.
Analyzed the table and index using dbms_stats package.
SQL> begin
2   dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
3   user,'SALES',
4   estimate_percent => NULL,
5   granularity  => 'DEFAULT',
6   method_opt  => 'for all indexed columns size 1' ,
7   cascade   => TRUE,
8   DEGREE   => 4
9   );
10  end;
11  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select table_name, partition_name, blocks, num_rows, last_analyzed
2  from   user_tab_partitions
3  where  table_name = 'SALES'
4  /
TABLE_NAME    PARTITION_NAM     BLOCKS   NUM_ROWS LAST_ANALYZED                                                
-------------                 -------------                        ----------      ----------                --------------------                                         
SALES                     FUTURE                                0          0                         15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                         
SALES                     SALES2006FEB                 23         28                        15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                         
SALES                     SALES2006JAN                23         31                        15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                         
SALES                     SALES2006MAR              23         31                        15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                         
4 rows selected.
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                      PARTITION_NAM    STATUS      LEAF_BLOCKS  LAST_ANALYZED                                          
--------------------                          -------------              --------             -----------                  --------------------                                   
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                     USABLE             0                        15-NOV-2006 11:51:41  
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB        USABLE             1                        15-NOV-2006 11:51:41    
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN        USABLE             1                       15-NOV-2006 11:51:41  
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR      USABLE             1                       15-NOV-2006 11:51:41  
4 rows selected.

SQL> select count(*) from sales partition(sales2006jan)
2  /
1 row selected.
SQL> select count(*) from sales partition(sales2006feb)
2  /
1 row selected.
SQL> select count(*) from sales partition(sales2006mar)
2  /
1 row selected.
As you see the number of rows in each partition matches with the count of each partition and all the index
partitions' status are USABLE .
Splitting a Partition
Before you exchange a partition with table data, you need to create a partition for the table and index.
SQL> rem split future partition to accomodate apr data
SQL> rem
SQL> alter table sales
2    split partition future
3    at (to_date('05-01-2006','MM-DD-YYYY'))
4    into (partition sales2006apr, partition future)
5   update global indexes
6  /
Table altered.
I  have included "UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES" clause in the "ALTER TABLE ..SPLIT PARTITION" command.
SQL> alter index sales_global_index
2    split partition future
3    at (to_date('05-01-2006','MM-DD-YYYY'))
4    into (partition sales2006apr, partition future)
5  /
Index altered.
SQL> rem check the partitions in table and indexes
SQL> rem
SQL> rem ----------------------------------------------------
SQL> select table_name, partition_name, blocks, num_rows, last_analyzed
2    from   user_tab_partitions
3   where  table_name = 'SALES'
4  /
TABLE_NAME    PARTITION_NAM     BLOCKS   NUM_ROWS LAST_ANALYZED                                              
-------------                  -------------                        ----------        ----------              --------------------                                       
SALES                      FUTURE                                                                                         
SALES                     SALES2006APR                                                                                   
SALES                     SALES2006FEB                   23              28                  15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                       
SALES                     SALES2006JAN                  23              31                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                       
SALES                     SALES2006MAR                23              31                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                       
5 rows selected.
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2    from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                     PARTITION_NAM STATUS     LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                                        
--------------------                         -------------                     --------          -----------                  --------------------                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                    USABLE                                                                    
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR     USABLE                                                                    
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB       USABLE             1                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN      USABLE             1                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR    USABLE             1                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                                 
5 rows selected
The result clearly shows the global index does not become UNUSABLE after adding a partition.
Exchange Nonpartitioned Table with Partition
First I create a table and an index that holds data, and later that can be exchanged with the  partition,
SQL> create  table table_sales2006apr
2  AS
3  with generator as (
4     select --+ Materialize
5     rownum as RN
6       from dba_objects
7     where  rownum <= 100 )
8  select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(V2) */
9       to_date('01-APR-2006','DD-MON-YYYY')+(rownum-1)   as sale_date,
10       trunc(10*mod(rownum,10)+1) as cust_id,
11       trunc(5*mod(rownum,30)+1) as prod_id ,
12       10+mod(rownum,20)  as tota_sale
13  from   generator v1 ,
14       generator v2
15  where  rownum <= 30
16  /
Table created.
SQL> create index index_sales2006apr on table_sales2006apr(sale_date)
2  pctfree 95
3  /
Index created.
SQL> rem analyze tahle
SQL> begin
2   dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
3   user,'TABLE_SALES2006APR',
4   estimate_percent => NULL,
5   granularity  => 'DEFAULT',
6   method_opt  => 'for all indexed columns size 1' ,
7   cascade   => TRUE,
8   DEGREE   => 4
9   );
10  end;
11  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select count(*), min(sale_date), max(sale_date)
2   from table_sales2006apr
3  /
COUNT(*) MIN(SALE_DATE)         MAX(SALE_DATE)                                                      
----------          --------------------                    --------------------                                                
30          01-APR-2006 00:00:00    30-APR-2006 00:00:00                                                
1 row selected.
SQL> select table_name, blocks, num_rows, last_analyzed
2  from   user_tables
3  where  table_name = 'TABLE_SALES2006APR'
4  /
TABLE_NAME                      BLOCKS   NUM_ROWS LAST_ANALYZED                                         
-----------------------                        ----------     ----------              --------------------                                  
TABLE_SALES2006APR              23         30                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:46                                  
1 row selected.
SQL> select index_name,  status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_indexes
3   where index_name = 'INDEX_SALES2006APR'
4  /
INDEX_NAME           STATUS   LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                                             
-------------------- -------- ----------- --------------------                                      
INDEX_SALES2006APR   VALID              3 15-NOV-2006 11:51:46                                      
1 row selected.
Before exchange the table, I checked the global index status.
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                     PARTITION_NAM     STATUS   LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                             
--------------------                         -------------                        --------              -----------              --------------------                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                     USABLE                                                         
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR      USABLE                                                         
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB       USABLE             1                       15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN       USABLE             1                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR     USABLE             1                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:41                      
5 rows selected.

SQL> rem exchange nonpartitioend table with partition
SQL> alter table sales
2  exchange partition sales2006APR
3  with table table_sales2006APR
4  --including indexes
5  without validation
6  update global indexes
7  /
Table altered.
Note that I put a comment in the line 4.  "Including indexes" clause is not accepted while exchanging
nonpartitoned table with a partiton that has global index.
I analyzed the partiitoned table using dbms_stats package.
SQL> begin
2   dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(
3   user,'SALES',
4   estimate_percent => NULL,
5   granularity  => 'DEFAULT',
6   method_opt  => 'for all indexed columns size 1' ,
7   cascade   => TRUE,
8   DEGREE   => 4
9   );
10  end;
11  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select table_name, partition_name, blocks, num_rows, last_analyzed
2  from   user_tab_partitions
3  where  table_name = 'SALES'
4  /
-----------------------    -------------                      ----------       ----------               --------------------                  
SALES                     FUTURE                           0                  0                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                  
SALES                     SALES2006APR          23                30                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                  
SALES                     SALES2006FEB           23                28                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                  
SALES                     SALES2006JAN          23                31                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                  
SALES                     SALES2006MAR         23               31                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                  
5 rows selected.

SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                       PARTITION_NAM STATUS   LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                             
--------------------                           -------------                   --------           -----------                --------------------                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                   USABLE             0                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR     USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB      USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN     USABLE             1                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                      
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR   USABLE             1                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                      
5 rows selected.
You see the global index does not become UNUSABLE.

SQL> select count(*), min(sale_date), max(sale_date)
2   from sales partition(SALES2006APR)
3  /
COUNT(*)   MIN(SALE_DATE)        MAX(SALE_DATE)                                                      
----------            --------------------                   --------------------                                                
30           01-APR-2006 00:00:00    30-APR-2006 00:00:00                                                
1 row selected.
SQL> select count(*) from table_sales2006apr
2  /
1 row selected.
The non-partitioned table has 0 rows after successfully moved data into partition.
Exchange Partition with Nonpartitioned Table
The next demo shows how to move partitioned object into non-partitioned table.
Assume the table is designed to hold 3 months data, and you want to move out of JAN partition into
non-partitioned table.
SQL> create table table_sales2006jan as select * from sales where 1=0
2  /
Table created.
First I created a empty table with equal structure of the partitioned table.
SQL> create index idx_sales2006jan on table_sales2006jan (sale_date) ;
Index created.
Here, I created an index on the nonpartitioned table. Let us see what will happen to the index,
idx_sales2006jan .
SQL> select count(*) from table_sales2006jan
2  /
1 row selected.
Run the "ALTER TABLE " command to move data from partition to nonpartitioned table.
SQL> alter table sales
2   exchange partition sales2006jan
3   with table table_sales2006jan
4   without validation
5   update global indexes
6  /
Table altered.
SQL> select count(*) from table_sales2006jan
2  /
31                                     --- Non partitioned table got the data.                                                                
1 row selected.
SQL> select count(*) from sales partition(sales2006jan)
2  /
0                            --- Partition has 0 rows.                                                                         
1 row selected.
We have moved the data and verified them in 2 places.  So far good.
SQL> rem check global index status
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2    from user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                      PARTITION_NAM STATUS       LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                                        
--------------------                          -------------                     --------             -----------                --------------------                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                     USABLE             0                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR       USABLE             1                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB        USABLE             1                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN       USABLE             1                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR     USABLE             1                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
5 rows selected.

The global index is in USABLE state. No problem. The index partition SALES2006JAN still exists in the
Let us verify the nonpartitioned index status.
SQL> select table_name, index_name, status from user_indexes
2  where  table_name = 'TABLE_SALES2006JAN'
3  /
TABLE_NAME                       INDEX_NAME               STATUS                                                                      
-------------                                   --------------------                    --------                 
TABLE_SALES2006JAN     IDX_SALES2006JAN     UNUSABLE                                                                    
1 row selected.
The index, IDX_SALES2006JAN became UNUSABLE.  This's the drawback of using GLOBAL INDEXES. You
cannot exchange index partition with nonpartitioned index. You have to manually rebuild the nonpartitioned
Dropping Partition
Since January data has been moved to a nonpartitioned table, we can drop that partition now.
Remember you have to drop corresponding index partition alos.
SQL> alter table sales drop partition sales2006jan update global indexes
2  /
Table altered.
SQL> select table_name, partition_name, blocks, num_rows, last_analyzed
2  from   user_tab_partitions
3  where  table_name = 'SALES'
4  /
TABLE_NAME    PARTITION_NAM     BLOCKS   NUM_ROWS LAST_ANALYZED                                              
-------------                 -------------                          ----------     ----------              --------------------                                       
SALES                     FUTURE                           0                   0                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                       
SALES                    SALES2006APR           23                 30                     15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                       
SALES                    SALES2006FEB             23                28                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                       
SALES                    SALES2006MAR          23                 31                      15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                       
4 rows selected.
SQL> rem the index partiton SALES2006JAN still exists
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                      PARTITION_NAM STATUS   LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                                        
--------------------                          -------------                     --------         -----------                --------------------                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                    USABLE             0                  15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR     USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB      USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006JAN     USABLE             1                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR   USABLE             1                    15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
5 rows selected.
SQL> rem drop the index partition
SQL> alter index SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX drop partition sales2006jan
2  /
Index altered.
SQL> select index_name, partition_name , status, leaf_blocks, last_analyzed
2   from  user_ind_partitions
3   where index_name = 'SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX'
4  /
INDEX_NAME                       PARTITION_NAM STATUS   LEAF_BLOCKS LAST_ANALYZED                                        
--------------------                           -------------                     --------          -----------                --------------------                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   FUTURE                     USABLE             0                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006APR       USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006FEB        USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
SALES_GLOBAL_INDEX   SALES2006MAR       USABLE             1                   15-NOV-2006 11:51:52                                 
4 rows selected.

Dropping a partition or partitioned index does not invalidate the global index status.
With the "UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES" clause, you may now think of partitioning a very large table or index in
an OLTP system.

Cheers, Tamil

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